Lunes, Oktubre 14, 2013


           Philippine literature is the body of works, both oral and written, that Filipinos,
whether native, naturalized, or foreign born, have created about the experience of
people living in or relating to Philippine society.  It is composed or written in any
of the Philippine languages, in Spanish and in English, and in Chinese as well. 
Philippine literature may be produced in the capital city of Manila and in the
different urban centers and rural outposts, even in foreign lands where descendants
of Filipino migrants use English or any of the languages of the Philippines to
create works that tell about their lives and aspirations.  The forms used by
Filipino authors may be indigenous or borrowed from other cultures, and these
may range from popular pieces addressed to mass audiences to highly
sophisticated works intended for the intellectual elite.

          Having gone through two colonial regimes, the Philippines has manifested the
cultural influences of the Spanish and American colonial powers in its literary
production.  Works may be grouped according to the dominant tradition or
traditions operative in them.  The first grouping belongs to the ethnic tradition,
which comprises oral lore identifiable precolonial in provenance and works that
circulate within contemporary communities of tribal Filipinos, or among lowland
Filipinos that have maintained their links with the culture of their non-Islamic or
non-Christian ancestors.  The second grouping consists of works that show
Spanish derivation or influence in the themes and forms employed, and these may
include literary works that are translations of original Spanish writings, or
adaptations of the same.  A third grouping comprises works belonging to the
American colonial tradition.  Literary production under this tradition shows the
impact of American colonial control, which facilitated through the educational
system the entry into Philippine literature of forms and themes from the
literature of England and the United States.




 Green moss on the trees
clinging dampness in the air
in another world

  A sudden statue
the power of Medusa
unwary victim

  Spring cherry blossoms
day brightens in pink beauty
bee looks for pollen

 Cold water gurgles
  zing sagging across the plains
as cold as the sky

  Perfect purple rows
cultivated for profit
hyacinth in bloom

  Color against death
flowers huddle together
spring blooms from the ground

   'till I fall asleep
I'll watch the sky turn dark-blue
  In her protective arms.

  It is a strange dream,
Silver tears, broken wings,
  Falling from the sky.

  The heavenly song
Of the little tears splashing
The waterfall’s beauty

     It's a land of dreams
Without beginning and end
  Where I want to go.

   Autumn moonlight—
a worm digs silently
into the chestnut.

  Lightning flash—
what I thought were faces
are plumes of pampas grass.

   A summer river being crossed
how pleasing
with sandals in my hands!

In the moonlight,
The color and scent of the wisteria
Seems far away.

   Light of the moon
Moves west, flowers' shadows
Creep eastward.

   Everything I touch
with tenderness, alas,
pricks like a bramble.

   The crow has flown away:swaying in the evening sun,
a leafless tree.  

   In the coolness
of the empty sixth-month sky...
   the cuckoo's cry.

  Whitecaps on the bay:
A broken signboard banging
In the April wind.

  ground squirrel

balancing its tomato
 on the garden fence

   As the wind does blow
Across the trees, I see the
  Buds blooming in May

I wanted to fly higher
but they pull me down,
i never turned back to them.

Wind is whispering
a very cold afternoon,
i'm watching sunset.

Love is like a rose
it blooms when it falls in love,
but it end- up to death.

The heat of the sun
it burns my skin all over,
i felt i'm in hell.

I am very shy
he stares at me everyday,
i know he likes me.

I'll never forget those days
when i was in love,
i'll do anything for him.

Leaves down everywhere
Different colors through the year
Fall is almost here!

Fall is leaves falling
Eating crisp, crunchy apples
A warm fire burning.

Fall is leaves falling,
Munching on sweet red apples
A warm fire burning.

Snow falling slowly
Blanketing the trees and road
Silence and beauty.

Branches stretching out
To grab the sunsets colors
Night is approaching.

White light shining through
Patterns along the blank wall
Brightening my day.

 I really like toast.
It is yummy when it's hot.
Cold I like it most.

Beans are kind to hearts.
I like to eat them daily.
And then do big farts!

the sound of the sea
speaking to my mother
on her birthday

The wind is blowing
It is blowing very hard
I don't like the wind.

I love Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh loves to eat honey
Bees chase Winnie the Pooh.

A broken tree cut
Brings no shade to the weary
Then what good is it?

Gracefully slither
He sneaks to the net untouched
With one swing he scores.

The beaches waves hit
Sounding of flooding water
Soothes aches all over

In the coolness
of the empty sixth-month sky...
the cuckoo’s cry. 

Whitecaps on the bay:

A broken signboard banging
In the April wind.

ground squirrel

balancing its tomato
on the garden fence 

As the wind does blow

Across the trees, I see the
Buds blooming in May.

I walk across sand

And find myself blistering
In the hot, hot heat

Falling to the ground,

I watch a leaf settle down
In a bed of brown.

It’s cold and I wait

For someone to shelter me
And take me from here.

I hear crackling

Crunch, of today’s new found day
And know it won’t last

Falling to the ground,

I watch a leaf settle down
In a bed of brown.

A cricket disturbed

the sleeping child; on the porch
a man smoked and smiled.

I'm turning over

look out and give me room there
you cricket, you.  

Those who came before

shall forever be with us
always remembered

Children learn from us

teach them about ancestors
start a family tree.

Butterflies are cool

in the big, huge, forest
they fly us so high

Months go flying by

they are very beautiful
fluttering around.

Ladybugs are red

and have black spot on their wings
experts at flying

A fat bee stings me

it hurts very badly but
i do not cry though

The bee flies quickly

it turns around stings me
then falls to the ground.

storms ranging

breached levees of sanity
lives swept away

rain swollen river

lost in swirling darkness
madness in their eyes

Receding waters

absents some forgotten
soils where they once were.


I used to wake up late in the morning,
but  now I prefer to wake up early.

I used to turn off the light at night,
but  now I prefer to turn it on.

I used to eat in Jollibee,
but  now I prefer MacDonald.

I used to like blue,
but  now I prefer pink.

I used to wear sandals,
but  now I prefer rubber shoes.

I used to dance valley,
but  now I prefer dance sport.

I used to chew candy,
but  now I prefer chocolate.

I used to eat chicken adobo,
but  now I prefer chicken fillet.

I used to like purple,
but  now I prefer yellow green.

I used to send a mail,
but  now I prefer texting.

I used to run as fast as I can,
but  now I prefer to walk.

I used to spent everyday,
but  now I prefer to save.

I used to buy foods,
but  now I prefer to cook.

I used to drink coffee,
but  now I prefer tea.

I used to make a call,
but  now I prefer video call.

I used to washed my clothes,
but  now I prefer to deliver it to laundry shop.

I used to work at night,
but  now I prefer at day.

I used to play table tennis,
but  now I prefer lone tennis.

I used to wrote a song,
but  now I prefer poem.

I used to bake cookies,
but  now I prefer cake.

I used to use beauty soap,
but  now I prefer skin germ protection.

I used to eat junk foods
but now I prefer to eat biscuits

I used to eat banana
but now I prefer to eat apple

I used to play piano
but now I prefer to play a guitar  

I used to plant vegetable
but now I prefer to plant flower

I used to drink coffee
but now I prefer to drink milk

I used to used pack bag
but now I prefer to shoulder bag

I used to draw cartoon character
but now I prefer to draw nature

I used to raise dog
but now I prefer to raise birds

I used to take down notes 

but now I prefer to have a photocopy

I used to watch television 

but now I prefer to listen to radio

I used to dance 

but now I prefer to sing

I used to stay in my room 

but now I prefer to stay in the mall

I used to eat fruits 

but now I prefer to eat vegetables

I used to eat breakfast

 but now I prefer  to eat lunch

I used to wake up early in the morning 

but now I prefer to waking up too late

I used to eat meat

but now I prefer to eat fish 

I used to drink soft drinks

but now I prefer to drink water

I used to wrote a poem

but now I prefer to draw

I used to eat chocolates 

but now I prefer to eat bread

I used to hang out with my friends

but now I prefer to study hard

I used to wear t shirt

but now I prefer to wear blouse

I used to be in single

but now I prefer to be in relationship

I used to b text

but now I prefer to call

I used to be alone
but now I prefer to be with someone

I used to watch sunset

but now I prefer to watch star

I used to judge people

but now I prefer to know them first

I used to be late

but now I prefer to be on time

I used to be love myself

but now I prefer to love someone

I used to study history

but now I prefer to study mathematics

I used to think my future 
but now I prefer to think my present

I used to collect dolls

but now I prefer to collect teddy bears


I am not a fish so you cannot eat me,
I am not a fish so you cannot fry me,
I am not a fish so you cannot play me,
I am not a fish so you cannot put aquarium on me,
I am not a fish so you cannot kill me,

I am not a vegetable so you cannot eat me,
I am not a vegetable so you cannot put condiments on me,
I am not a vegetable so you cannot cook me,
I am not a vegetable so you cannot plant me,
I am not a vegetable so you cannot put a fertilizer on me,

I am not a guitar so I cannot entertain you,
I am not a guitar so I cannot give music on you,
I am not a guitar so I cannot hold you,
I am not a guitar so I cannot destroy you,
I am not a guitar so I cannot buy you,

I am not a telenovela so you cannot cry me,
I am not a telenovela so you cannot watch me,
I am not a telenovela so you cannot entertain me,
I am not a telenovela so you cannot dramatize me,
I am not a telenovela so you cannot change channel on me.

I am not a cell phone so you cannot text me,
I am not a cell phone so you cannot call me,
I am not a cell phone so you cannot charge me,
I am not a cell phone so you cannot put battery on me,
I am not a cell phone so you cannot load me,

I am not a flower so you cannot water me,
I am not water so you cannot put me in a vase,
I am not a flower so you cannot cut me,
I am not a flower so you cannot hold me,
I am not a flower so you cannot pick me,

I am not a book so you cannot read me,
I am not a book so you cannot browse me,
I am not a book so you cannot hold me,
I am not a book so you cannot bring me,
I am not a book so you cannot study me,

I am not a shoes so you cannot ware me,
I am not a shoe so you cannot polish me,
I am not a shoe so you cannot walk me,
I am not a shoe so you cannot display me,
I am not a shoe so you cannot sell me,

I am not a teacher so you cannot teach me,
I am not a teacher so you cannot scold me,
I am not a teacher so you cannot give knowledge on me,
I am not a teacher so you cannot mould me,
I am not a teacher so you cannot train me,

  I am not a trash so you cannot tear me,
                                                           I am not a trash so you cannot play me,
                                           I am not a trash so you cannot burn me,
                                         I am not a trash so you cannot recycle me,
                                         I am not a trash so you cannot throw me. 

I am not a car so you cannot start me,
I am not a car so you cannot ride on me,
I am not a car so you cannot park me,
I am not a car so you cannot race me,
I am not a car so you cannot sell me.

I am not a slipper so you cannot wear me,
I am not a slipper so you cannot step on me,
I am not a slipper so I cannot take you,
I am not a slipper so you cannot use me,
I am not a slipper so you cannot throw me.

I am not a calendar so you cannot set me a date,
I am not a calendar so so I cannot remind you,
I am not a calendar so you cannot tear me,
I am not a calendar so I cannot inform you,
I am not a calendar so you cannot write on me.

I am not a remote so you cannot control me,
I am not a remote so you cannot press me,
I am not a remote so you cannot resemble me
I am not a remote so you cannot change me,
I am not a remote so you cannot put a battery on me.

I am not a jeepney so you cannot ride me,
I am not a jeepney so you cannot fuel me,
I am not a jeepney so you cannot renovate me,
I am not a jeepney so you cannot buy me,
I am not a jeepney so you cannot fixed me.

I am not an apple so you cannot eat me,
I am not an apple so you cannot pick me,
I am not an apple so you cannot plant me,
I am not an apple so you cannot buy me,
I am not an apple so you cannot give me.

I am not a rice cooker so I cannot provide your food,
I am not a rice cooker so I cannot make you warm water,
I am not a rice cooker so you cannot use me when brown out,
I am not a rice cooker so you cannot buy me
 I am not a chicken so you cannot eat me,
I am not a chicken so you cannot feed me,
I am not a chicken so you cannot sell me,
I am not a chicken so you cannot kill me,
I am not a chicken so you cannot give me.

 I am not a coconut so you cannot make me oil,
I am not a coconut so I cannot cure your desease,
I am not a coconut so you cannot eat me,
I am not a coconut so you cannot juice me,
I am not a coconut so you cannot plant me.

 I am not a banana so you cannot plant me,
I am not a banana so you cannot buy me,
I am not a banana so you cannot sell me,
I am not a banana so you cannot make an ice cream,
I am not a banana so you cannot make cookies.

I am not an ice cream so you cannot eat me,
I am not an ice cream so you cannot make me,
I am not an ice cream so you cannot buy me,
I am not an ice cream so you cannot sell me,
I am not an ice cream so you cannot give.

I am not water so you cannot drink me,
I am not water so you cannot use me,
I am not water so you cannot wash me,
I am not water so you cannot heal me,
I am not water so you cannot live without me.

 I am not an umbrella so I cannot protect you from sun,
I am not an umbrella so I cannot protect you from rain,
I am not an umbrella so you cannot make me as a gift,
I am not an umbrella so you cannot repair me.